🏺Σ 🏺 Sum of a Batch!


Welcome to Sum of a Batch!


This site is about making mead, a wine-like drink made by fermenting honey rather than fruit.  Most people (at least Americans) associate it with the Vikings – but actually, it was around for about 8,000 years before them!  It was made everywhere that people had honey – all over not only Europe, but also Africa and Asia (including some Pacific islands, at least the Philippines), and even Central America!

Site Contents:

I do not sell alcohol.  Nor do I give it away, as part of this business.  Not one drop, no way no how, in any manner that could possibly be construed as selling, or even risking giving any to a minor.  The laws on selling alcohol are just too complex and expensive for me to bother even trying to comply with, and the penalties aren’t worth the likely profits.  (And distilling is Right Out.)

What I am giving away here on this website, is the knowledge for you to make your own.  What I am selling in the workshops is that knowledge plus the equipment and ingredients, which consists mostly of things that anybody could easily buy at their local grocery store.

Any responsibility for:

is entirely on you.